Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision.
Money, Power and Economic Infrastructure
✰ National Treasury Reserves : capital and resources
✰ Strategic and Industrial Resource Base :
✰ Metal, Minerals, Materials Exchange :
✰ Polymer Banknotes and Securities Certificates :
✰ Alternate currency, trade systems and associations :
✰ Public and private financial institutions
✰ new payment systems and credit card infrastructure
✰ private trust, investment banking and enterprise finance
✰ open source technology and telecommunication systems
✰ Ethical and creative options for government and personnel
Enterprise Infrastructure
✰ New Stock Market Development and Public Companies :
✰ Existing Stock Market and (IPOs) Initial Public Offering :
✰ Private enterprise development :
✰ Business combinations, joint ventures & co-development :
✰ Real estate and industrial infrastructure optimization :
Intellectual Capital
✰ Individual, Bourgeoisie and Enterprise Continuum :
✰ Inventor, Intellectual Property and Capital Continuum :
✰ Inventor and Technology Protection and Deployment :
✰ Suppressed Advanced Technology Integration :
✰ Personnel development, character, trades and skill :
Personnel Development, Competence and Character
✰ University, College, Trade and Technical Institute
✰ (Battlegroup 301 Incorported - UCTTI Development Program)
✰ Optimize enterprise and work learning co-op &/or scholarships
✰ Strategic, Operational & Tactical Industry Optimization:
Working Environment
✰ Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Capabilities
✰ Old school manufacturing, innovation and abilities
✰ Open source computer hardware and software
✰ SEDI Multi Industry Engineering & Test Establishment
✰ experimental and applied R&D, testing and certification
✰ SEDI Technology Demonstration Program
Industry and Enterprise Operational Base
✰ Integrated and independent products, OEM, green,
✰ investment, development, sales, acquisition and deployment
✰ national, strategic, tactical and operational advantage
✰ rural community industrial park, private shop and personnel
✰ national, regional and local infrastructure optimization
Advanced Enterprise Continuum
✰ business combinations, investment management, private trustee,
✰ financial and non financial investment, working share owners
✰ ownership, voting, control, strategic risk and asset managment
✰ executive, board of directors representation, pro-active investment
✰ optimize enterprise, capital, investment, technology and markets
Enterprise Stability, Mobility and Agility
✰ Business risk profile open to new innovative enterprise
✰ general and advanced technology, engineering and manufacturing
✰ enterprise, infrastructure, capital structure and personnel continuum
✰ Machinery, industrial facilities and supply chain optimization
✰ national and global supply chains, OEM & custom production
Society Infrastructure
✰ Advanced Civilized Civilization Continuum
✰ Individual Creative Imagination and Personnel Development
✰ Resources, Product, Services, Technology and Infrastructure
✰ Peace, Order and Good Government Continuum (POGG)
✰ Faith, Family, Freedom, Free Enterprise, Founding People
✰ Capital Vault Incorporated Continuum
✰ Space, Aerospace, Marine, Automotive, Railroads & Defence
✰ Forestry, Farming, Agriculture, Soil, Natural Resources
✰ Design, architecture, construction, civil engineering
✰ Transportion infrastructure, technology, vehicles, supply chain
✰ counter-measures and pro-active exponential projects
✰ for visionary and ambitious people
✰ alliance, group identity and co-operative association
✰ Integrating real national and global research awareness
✰ Nationalist news media - industry, enterprise, projects, POGG

Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…
✰ Independent from the SR&ED -
✰ strategic research & experimental tax credit (SR&ED) options
✰ Jurisdiction, Entity, Enterprise & Capital Structure Options
✰ Business Combinations, Ownership, Control & Voting Options
✰ Investment, Development, Conversion & Acquisition Options
✰ Exponential Projects Account en route
✰ Private Investment Management Account
✰ Strategic Account Options
✰ Strategic Risk Management
✰ Program, Product, Technology, Services & Process Options
✰ Zero tax & non reporting Options (think local act global, right?)
✰ Hard currency-cash, negotiable instruments electronic transactions,
✰ registered and non-registered Options
✰ Financial and non-financial investment & contributions
✰ conditional sales and/or acquisition and/or deployment
✰ Zero stock market risks, Exo-political risk reduction & neutralization
✰ New and existing stock market Options, IPO Options
✰ Wealth & Investment management & financial institution options
✰ no foreign controlled, credit agencies, unions or entities
✰ no corrupt, erroneous, discriminatory Canadian credit bureau
✰ Real Canadians - the founding people of Canada
✰ Character, Creativity, Competence and Cash flow rating
✰ Reliability, productivity, loyalty and co-operative association
✰ National Security Protocols, Provisions, Power & Providence
✰ Peace, Order & Good Government for the Union of Canada
✰ Self-government of the founding people - the legal Confederation of 1867
✰ counter-measures for the illegal coup d'état 1982 Constitution*
✰ * = is a take over and super imposed illegal law and authority
✰ * taking power illegally, by an individual or a group who exercise the fonction inside of state infrastructure
✰ counter-measures for Crime, Treason, Genocide, War & Immorality
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These are only some of the reason that
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Individual Creative Imagination is Visionary!
Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision…
Exercise the power to create an awesome future now