Special Projects - National Airport Development Program
(summary, PDF, news - en route)

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision.

Integrated Logistics

Capital Vault Incorporated - in the beginning there was a vision…
CVI-OS - operating system and CVIx Continuum
CVIx Strategic Risk Management and much more
CVIx Advanced Projects (SEDI Advanced Projects)

Battlegroup 301 Incorporated - Renaissance & Transformation
National, industrial, economic, enterprise and civil defence.
Airport & Aero Industry Development Program


University, College, Trade & Technical Institute Program

Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation
“Envision, plan, build & manage anything...”
Private enterprise, entities, capital structure and securities
Private Investment Management Account
Exclusive Management Logistics Account

People that care, YOU, the individual!

A different perspective of "O Canada, we stand on guard for thee…"

Peace, Order and Good Government
- Amen